Friday, January 12, 2007

Fagans etc.

(Originally posted on

I have been passively observing and absorbing the Famous world and Fresno/downtown politics for several months now, and have often thought about adding my 2 cents, but for some reason the incident with Fagan's has stirred me to pen my first ever Famous blog. So for what it's worth, here is my 2 cents about Fresno, the downtown area, and the cultural, economic and demographic problems that are slowly but surely killing the city.

I think this recent event is Exhibit A for the myriad things that keep Fresno from becoming a desirable place to live for the people who will allow it to survive and grow.

Fresno's government is the epitome of hypocrisy. There have been numerous reports, commissions, meetings and recommendations... all presenting excellent ideas aimed at making Fresno better and more economically healthy (even vibrant!). Officials give lip service to the idea of keeping young people here and encouraging business, job growth, creativity and innovation, yet their actions and public policy decisions ensure exactly the opposite.

I grew up here, left, and moved back after living in the amazing city of Washington DC. After less than a year, I am more than ready to go back. I gave Fresno a chance, thinking that maybe even 4 or 5 of the hundreds of great ideas might actually be adopted, and hoping that I could offer some of my own experience living in an area with thriving nightlife, great public transportation, and public policy consistent with its vision for the future. Boy was I mistaken.

Having lived and worked here for only a short time, I now fully understand why most people who are young, talented and educated leave Fresno for places that actually value them and allow them to thrive.

Young people want to live in places where there are things to do past 8:00pm. They want excitement and energy. I work downtown, and even I rarely stay after 5 for the simple fact that there aren't many good places to go. And with all due respect to Fagan's, most people (including me) went there because it was the only option, not necessarily for the food or the atmosphere. (Granted, I am spoiled coming from an area with some of the best pubs and restaurants in the country, but there are many factors which contribute to the failure of a business.)

Side note: Upstairs Downtown is one extremely notable exception to the downtown restaurant scene with excellent food, atmosphere and service, but also another example that even stellar, high-quality restaurants are struggling to survive downtown.

Food and service aside, there are things that must be changed in order to make Downtown hospitable to business, entertainment and nightlife; and Fresno hospitable to intelligent, successful young people.

I hope that the City will get its act together sooner rather than later, but I'm not holding my breath. I think I'll book my plane ticket instead.

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