Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Losing My Blogger Virginity

I must be obsessive compulsive. Or ADD. Or something.

I just spent the last 2 hours (ish) trying to fix this thing so that I can actually post to it. Now I feel obligated to post something, but I don't know what. I think I'll post what I posted on my Xanga, and my Myspace, since that will be in keeping with the whole OCD theme I've got going on right now.


So I officially spent the entire day yesterday watching Sex and the City on DVD (special thanks to Costco for putting the box set on sale so it only cost me $50!). I got through all of season 1 and two-thirds of season 2, and I'm completely addicted! (I'm coming to terms with the fact that Charlotte is a slightly wealthier version of me.) Combine that with going to a wedding on Saturday and seeing great friends from high school for the first time in forever... all in all it was a really great weekend!

Unfortunately, I now have to leave my fantasy world of big city life and return to the stress of real life. Boo. Why can't life consist of drinking Cosmos with your girlfriends, discussing sex and romance, wearing fabulous shoes and designer dresses and exploring the big city on the arm of a wonderful man?


Right now, real life for me consists of finding a new job and tying up loose ends at my old one. And moving. We've preliminarily (is that a word?) made plans to move back to DC when Brian finishes grad school (in May). There are many reasons for it, but one of the big ones is that my job recently became the most recent victim of the instability of the nonprofit sector, meaning that at the end of April, they won't be able to afford to pay me anymore. I'm sure I could keep working there for free, but that wouldn't make my landlord very happy when the rent comes due.

So that's the plan right now. Honestly, I could not be happier or more excited! I've been there for a year, and I had been frustrated for a while and was already looking for new opportunities when I found out. Brian and I had been talking for several months about moving back when he finished school. I have also been researching grad schools and all the programs I'm seriously considering except one are in DC. Hopefully I'll end up with a Master's in Public Policy (and maybe even a law degree, too!) sometime soon.

I have been so homesick for so long, I can't wait to return to my favorite city in the world. And with nothing tying us down to any one place (no house or kids or job), the world is our oyster!

Hehehe, I've always wanted to use that phrase.

So that's the latest. I guess that means I may get to explore the big city on the arm of a wonderful man after all!

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