Monday, September 10, 2007

Petraeus Report

Well, the Petraeus Report hearing is happening less than 100 feet down the hall from my office in about an hour. One of the fun perks of working on the Hill: you get to wait for elevators with media types and capitol police with bomb-sniffing dogs. Fun times.

Wanted to pass this along, too. This is our good friend Pete on Fox News today. He's an Iraq vet and a really great guy. He's talking here about's disgusting political ad in the New York Times today. I was livid when I heard about it. Regardless of your feelings on Iraq, calling a United States General a traitor, especially when your country is at war, is absolutely despicable, if not treasonous. I just (probably naïvely) wish that all the politics of this war would just go away, and people would instead spend their energy trying to help our country and our troops win.

Click here to watch the clip.
MoveOn Ad: "Absolutely Despicable"
Iraq Veteran: Democrats "Invested in the Fact that Things Must Get Worse in Iraq"

Anyway, that's about all the excitement for today. I think that's about all the excitement I can handle. :)

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