Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The "L" Word

Although I have zero free time, this article was so good I just had to pass it along. Enjoy!

The New Republic
Editorial: November 5, 2007 issue; P. 1

Forget "liberal": Given a few more weeks like the ones congressional Democrats just endured, and the dreaded L-word they'll be struggling to shake is "losers." Children's health care, government spying, the atrocities of the Ottoman Empire, the toxic ramblings of Representative Pete Stark--you name the issue, Dems managed to get their clocks cleaned in the P.R. battle with a fractured Republican minority led by a lame-duck president only marginally more popular with the American public than Chinese toy manufacturers.

Indeed, watching Democrats' political advantage dissolve virtually overnight has been a bit like sitting through one of those Very Bad Day comedy movies, in which the hapless hero loses his job, his wife, and his faithful dog all before dinnertime, getting himself arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct in the process. On October 17, backed into a corner by the fancy procedural footwork of Republicans, House Democrats were forced to pull legislation aimed at scaling back the expanded wiretapping powers Congress granted President Bush in August. That same day, Speaker Nancy Pelosi felt compelled to walk back her pledge to call a House vote on whether the Ottoman Empire's slaughter of Armenians during World War I officially qualified as genocide--a matter of little interest to American voters but of such intense concern to our Turkish allies that even many Democrats had abandoned Pelosi on the issue. The next day, Pelosi's caucus also failed to override President Bush's veto of the bill reauthorizing and expanding the wildly popular s-chip program that provides health care to poor children. More galling still, in the heat of the s-chip debate, California Democrat Pete Stark let loose a tirade about how Republicans refused to fund health care but were content to let our military men and women be shipped off to Iraq to "get their heads blown off for the president's amusement." As a result, rather than spending their post-vote hours spotlighting the uncompassionate conservatism of today's GOP, Democratic leaders found themselves beset by Republican calls for Stark's head. All told, it was enough to make you long for the comparatively carefree days of September's "General Betray Us" scandal.

Not to kick a party when it's down, but what in God's name is wrong with congressional Dems? It's one thing to lose all your battles when you're the beleaguered minority crushed beneath the boot heel of a well-liked commander-in-chief and a power-mad congressional majority. But, when you can't manage to win even one lousy spin cycle under the current politically felicitous circumstances, voters are going to start wondering if you simply don't have what it takes to govern--if perhaps you really do deserve that 25 percent approval rating.

To be fair, the party is in a tough spot, having essentially regained power on a promise to get us out of Iraq, only to find that ending a war isn't exactly an easy task. And some Dems are whining about the continued difficulty of getting anything done when the party has only a slim majority in the House and an even narrower edge in the Senate--while dealing with a president who doesn't seem to understand that he is supposed to quietly sit out the rest of his term in the White House gym. If the Republicans aren't willing to play nice, what's a well-intentioned Democrat to do?

Grow a pair--that's what. Whatever concrete challenges Democrats face, there is no excuse for the party being repeatedly, consistently outgunned in the area of pure public relations. In part, this can be blamed on Dems' talent for picking the wrong battles. Yes, genocide is a terrible thing. But sticking one's finger in the eye of a major (and temperamental) Muslim ally for the sake of symbolically denouncing atrocities committed nearly a century ago by a political entity that no longer exists suggests a troubling inability to prioritize. Worse yet, when a majority of Armenian-Americans reside in the home state of the House speaker, it opens one up to charges of naked pandering.

Equally disturbing, you get the sense that Democrats still don't grasp the extent to which Republicans regard congressional politics as war. Or maybe they do get it (one would hope so, after the past few years) but lack the stomach for the fight, whether because of some high-minded notion of congressional comity or some self-congratulatory sense of their superior character. Either way, they need to wake up and smell the napalm. House Republicans are proudly committed to thwarting Dems at every turn, and their success in tying up the wiretapping bill was no fluke. Minority members have assembled a working group known as the Floor Action Team--or FAT--charged with learning how to use the House's most arcane rules to derail legislative progress. Classy? Not especially. Effective? Clearly.

It's not as though Dems are completely clueless. In the midst of her Very Bad Week, Pelosi sent a letter to her caucus announcing a P.R. push to improve the party's image before the accelerating presidential race pushes Congress off stage. Hoping to remind the public of all the things the 110th has achieved thus far--ethics reform, a bump in the minimum wage, an increase in student aid--House Dems are being instructed to hold more town-hall meetings and press conferences, as well as to up the flow of e-mail and snail mail to constituents. Majority Whip James Clyburn will track which members are the most enthusiastic cheerleaders.

But the next few weeks are likely to bring more heated confrontations than outright victories. (Bush has, among other things, vowed to veto upcoming spending bills.) And, unless Dems get better at the crucial spin battles-- especially in cases when things don't break their way--they aren't going to have a majority to squander for very long.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Long Time Coming

So you might be able to tell by the number of posts so far this month (I believe this makes a grand total of 2), but the last 28 days have been one of the most stressful, exhausting, insanely busy months of my life. Thankfully though, we are now nearing the end of that adventure, and were able to spend the weekend starting the move into our new house.

Our contractor finally finished staining the hardwood floors in the main level on Thursday, so we started moving little things in Friday night, and spent the rest of the weekend taking trips over with cars loaded full of still-packed boxes from our last move. We just got back from our last trip, and we'll take a couple more trips tomorrow after work. Tuesday night will be just Brian and Rob since I have choir, and Wednesday morning we have movers coming to move the furniture. If all goes as planned, we'll spend our first night in our new house on Wednesday!

It will be so nice to finally be moved in. It started looking like a house again about a week ago once they finished painting, and now all the finishing touches are going into place. We still won't have a master bathroom for another week or two, and the English Basement isn't finished yet, but it's almost there, and I am so relieved.

More pictures and updates to come soon, I promise. I just need a few days to breathe. :)

Sunday, October 7, 2007


That's the only word I can use to describe last night and Thursday night.

I'm singing with the Choral Arts Society of Washington again this year, and we had our first performances this weekend. We performed Beethoven's 9th Symphony with the National Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Leonard Slatkin. It was my first time ever performing Beethoven's 9th, and to get to do it with the NSO in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Brian, Becky and Robbie got to come on Saturday night, which meant so much to me. It's always so much better performing for people you love.

Music is one of my great loves. I've been singing and playing the piano and performing with different choirs and other groups since I can remember, and it's the one thing that truly feeds my soul. I'm still a little jealous of my friends who were able to pursue music as a career (I hate [love] you Doug!). But it is wonderful to be able to continue performing, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity. I always feel so energized and refreshed after a performance. It's such a wonderful outlet and escape from the stress of daily life.

Here's a little bit of the performance for those of you who weren't able to be there (I'm 3rd from the left in the 2nd row):

Our next performance is a concert of all Russian music, which is probably the most difficult language to sing other than maybe Czech. It is gorgeous, though, and so emotional and expressive. That's our only concert before Christmas, which I am so excited about! I LOVE Christmas music!!

On that note, the leaves are starting to change and I stepped on my first crunchy leaf of the year last week... I'm so excited for fall! There was a wonderful chill in the air for about 2 weeks, but then apparently the weather decided it missed summer and so has decided to revert back to 90 degree heat with awful humidity. I am not a happy camper. Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year in DC (other than Spring and Winter), and I'm feeling a bit shortchanged. Oh well. I hear it's supposed to snow for Christmas this year, which should definitely make up for it. Did I mention I love Christmas here? 'Cause I do. A lot. :)

Sorry for the tangent. I'm going to head to bed now... even though I don't have to go to work in the morning! (Yay for federal holidays!!) Night everyone!