Sunday, October 7, 2007


That's the only word I can use to describe last night and Thursday night.

I'm singing with the Choral Arts Society of Washington again this year, and we had our first performances this weekend. We performed Beethoven's 9th Symphony with the National Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Leonard Slatkin. It was my first time ever performing Beethoven's 9th, and to get to do it with the NSO in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Brian, Becky and Robbie got to come on Saturday night, which meant so much to me. It's always so much better performing for people you love.

Music is one of my great loves. I've been singing and playing the piano and performing with different choirs and other groups since I can remember, and it's the one thing that truly feeds my soul. I'm still a little jealous of my friends who were able to pursue music as a career (I hate [love] you Doug!). But it is wonderful to be able to continue performing, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity. I always feel so energized and refreshed after a performance. It's such a wonderful outlet and escape from the stress of daily life.

Here's a little bit of the performance for those of you who weren't able to be there (I'm 3rd from the left in the 2nd row):

Our next performance is a concert of all Russian music, which is probably the most difficult language to sing other than maybe Czech. It is gorgeous, though, and so emotional and expressive. That's our only concert before Christmas, which I am so excited about! I LOVE Christmas music!!

On that note, the leaves are starting to change and I stepped on my first crunchy leaf of the year last week... I'm so excited for fall! There was a wonderful chill in the air for about 2 weeks, but then apparently the weather decided it missed summer and so has decided to revert back to 90 degree heat with awful humidity. I am not a happy camper. Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year in DC (other than Spring and Winter), and I'm feeling a bit shortchanged. Oh well. I hear it's supposed to snow for Christmas this year, which should definitely make up for it. Did I mention I love Christmas here? 'Cause I do. A lot. :)

Sorry for the tangent. I'm going to head to bed now... even though I don't have to go to work in the morning! (Yay for federal holidays!!) Night everyone!

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