Thursday, November 8, 2007

Our (almost) House

We moved into our house last Wednesday. I use the term "moved in" loosely. All our stuff is in the house, but whether or not the house is actually a habitable domicile is, well, debatable at best. We are hoping to have more than one working toilet by the end of this week, and maybe even a shower (yippee!). And I'm really hoping that at some point I won't come home to a layer of dust 1 inch thick on EVERYTHING. As it is, all 3 of us are sharing the itty-bitty guest bathroom with its falling-out-of-the-wall shower head and lack of a mirror. Oh the humanity.

I try to remind myself that not being able to breathe will seem like a small price to pay when all is said and done, but my body is rejecting that logic and sending me into coughing fits every time I set foot inside. It really is a sad state of affairs. Thankfully, we should only have to live like this for another (gulp) 2 weeks until everything is finally done (knock on wood). I just hope I can last that long.

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