Monday, August 25, 2008

Stretching the Truth

I came across this article and couldn't help but chuckle. It just underscores how important it is not to take everything you see/read as truth - on either side of the political spectrum.

A Rough Summer, Factually Speaking
By Bill Adair, CQ Staff

In the presidential campaign, truth has been a casualty of summer.

We’ve rated more than 600 claims on our PolitiFact Web site since the campaign began, and last week we made an interesting discovery: The candidates, political parties and independent groups we’ve been rating have become significantly less truthful in the past two months.

Before summer, we found that 65 percent of the claims we checked were on the upper end of our Truth-O-Meter — Half True, Mostly True or True — while 35 percent were on the bottom end — Barely True, False or Pants on Fire. That’s not a great track record, but it’s better than we would have expected.

The start of summer — which roughly coincided with the kickoff of the general-election campaign between Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain — was a turning point.

Since then, only 55 percent of the claims have earned a Half True or better, while 45 percent have been Barely True or lower. Those numbers aren’t scientific, because we choose the items to check based on our own curiosity about which statements are accurate. But they confirm our suspicions that the candidates have been stretching the truth more in the past two months.

The biggest change has come in the number of claims we’ve rated Barely True. They accounted for 12 percent of our ratings before summer began but 22 percent in the past two months. That reflects the unusually aggressive ads we’ve seen lately. It’s only August, but on the campaign trail, it feels like October.

In previous elections, the campaign slowed during the summer, allowing everybody (especially voters) to get a break after the primary battles. The general-election campaign did not really gear up until Labor Day.

This year, the candidates and their surrogates have been going full tilt, firing charges and countercharges like it was the final sprint of October. They’ve been leveling the kind of charges that, in previous years, would have been held back until the final few weeks.

In keeping with the summer theme, the campaigns are doing a lot of cherry-picking. They find a few facts to support their attacks and pound away. (The McCain theme: Obama is a high-tax, big-government Democrat. The Obama theme: McCain is a carbon copy of President Bush and a puppet of Big Oil.)

A Grain of Truth
The cherry-picking explains why we’ve rated so many claims Barely True. There’s a grain of truth behind many of their claims, but they ignore contradictory facts and distort the overall truth.

A few examples:

• Obama’s claim that McCain offers “billions in tax breaks for oil and drug companies, but almost nothing for families like yours.” This one misleads about who would benefit from McCain’s plan to reduce corporate taxes. It would lower taxes on all corporations, not just those perennial Democratic villains, oil and drug companies. And the ad is wrong in saying that McCain’s plan offers nothing for middle-class families. McCain proposes doubling tax exemptions for dependents (usually children), a significant help for many families. We gave this one a Barely True.

• Obama’s allegation that McCain worries about nuclear waste in Arizona but not in Nevada. We found that the Obama campaign used some creative editing to make its point, relying on a snippet of a McCain comment that he would not want the waste trucked through Phoenix. The ad conveniently left out the rest of his comment, “I think it can be made safe.” This ad also earned a Barely True.

• McCain’s charge that Obama “promises more taxes on small business, seniors, your life savings, your family.” This one, like several other McCain ads, is based on Obama’s plan to roll back the Bush tax cuts on the upper income brackets. So yes, it’s accurate if you earn more than $200,000 per year. But the McCain ad is misleading, because most people would not have higher taxes under Obama’s plan. Another Barely True.

• McCain’s claim that Obama plans “a tax increase for everyone earning more than $42,000 a year.” That’s based on the same flawed logic as the above item and was so wrong we gave it a False.

Other Trends of Summer
Another trend we’ve noticed is how chain e-mail messages have been evolving. They often seem like organisms that adapt to survive in a harsh environment.

PolitiFact and other news organizations have discredited many of the e-mails. No, Obama is not a Muslim, he didn’t take the oath of office on a Koran and he does not want the national anthem to be “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.”

A growing number of the messages now include a line that says, “I checked this out on Snopes and it’s true,” referring to the Web site that determines whether urban legends are accurate. That line is like a defense mechanism intended to reassure a skeptical reader.

But most of the e-mail messages that include the line are still false. So if you see it, be skeptical.
Another adaptation: a new chain letter that makes false claims that Obama plans to raise the capital gains tax. It’s a variant of one we checked last spring that made inaccurate accusations about Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tax proposals. In the new version, Clinton has been removed and some new false charges have been added.

As with most chain e-mail, we have no idea who wrote it, but it’s been passed along by many people who haven’t bothered to check out the facts.

We received another e-mail that used a different twist to spread misinformation: a bogus column. It purported to be written by columnist Maureen Dowd, claiming that Obama received millions of dollars in suspicious contributions from China, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Dowd fans quickly knew it was a fake because, as one fan wrote, it had “no silly puns, alliteration, movie references, or odd nicknames.”

We published a story about the bogus column and interviewed one man who was spreading it, but it continues to circulate widely.

We also saw how fast a false message can spread — presumably to thousands and possibly millions of people. Just a day or two after Obama visited Afghanistan in July, an e-mail spread with lightning speed alleging that he had “shunned the opportunity to talk to soldiers to thank them for their service.” (We checked it out and found it was False.)

We got that e-mail from many PolitiFact readers who asked us to check it out, and it received considerable news coverage elsewhere, which indicates how widely and quickly it spread.
Looking ahead to the fall and the claims we’ll check from the candidates, their surrogates and chain e-mails, we’re a little apprehensive.

If they’re exaggerating and distorting this much in August, what will October be like? is a project of the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly. If you would like to suggest a factual claim by a campaign for PolitiFact to explore, e-mail

Source: CQ Today Print Edition Round-the-clock coverage of news from Capitol Hill. © 2008 Congressional Quarterly Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, August 22, 2008

In Other News

I almost forgot the biggest news of all: I get to go to the Republican National Convention this year!!

I am beyond excited. It's something I've always wanted to do and I can't wait. It will be tough navigating the ethics mess (with rules like you can serve bagels and muffins for breakfast but not eggs lest you actually feed people), but I figure there will be a lot of people in the same boat there to commiserate with.

I went shopping tonight to get a couple cute outfits and was pleasantly surprised to see that Ann Taylor had gotten into the campaign spirit by rolling out a red, white and blue line just in time for the fall political season.

See you in St. Paul!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

August Recap

It's hard to believe August is almost over! Man, oh man. It feels like the month just started. Which isn't good because I have a lot of work to do before recess is over.

I spent the first day of the month, which was the last day the House was in session, reading the Politico blog and wondering what the heck was going on on the House floor, then traipsing down there with my coworkers to watch the show as Republican Members held an impromptu session after Nancy Pelosi turned off the lights, cameras and microphones to protest the lack of action on energy. We finished off the day by joining with the assembled crowd in singing "God Bless America" led by Rep. Tom Price, and shouting "USA! USA!" It was so much fun. Only in America.

That evening, Brian and I had planned to fly to California, but instead ended up spending 3+ hours standing at the US Airways ticket counter and finally getting on an American Airlines flight the next morning. I'm never flying US Airways again. Our friend Adriel, who just got back from a 3-month vacation in Costa Rica and is crashing at our place for a while, was awesome, though - he waited for us at the airport the entire time to drive us home.

We spent the next week in sunny, beautiful California. It was a wonderful break that we both really needed. The first weekend we spent with my family, and helped my parents design their soon-to-be-new kitchen. I got to hang out with my little sister Kathryn, who is getting more beautiful and more grown up every day. I realized how much I miss seeing her grow up. It seems like she was only 4 years old last year, and now she's almost as tall as I am and getting ready to start 6th grade. Time sure does fly.

Sunday night we drove down to our favorite place in the world, Disneyland. We had such a wonderful, relaxing time. The best thing about having season passes is we can go and not feel like we have to actually do anything while we're there. We can just enjoy the stress-free atmosphere and go at our own pace. It was so much fun.

We also got to have dinner with our good friends Kimmie and Jared and their adorable little boy, Caleb. I think he ended up with more food on his face than in his stomach by the end of the night, but we had a blast.

After 2 days in LA we drove up the coast to Brian's grandma's house in San Luis. We spent the evening with his parents who were there taking care of her, and then drove back to Clovis that night to get ready for his brother's wedding. It was the most disorganized, dysfunctional wedding I've ever gone to, and I think we were all glad when it was over.

Saturday was our last day in Fresno, and I spent the morning getting the most amazing massage ever from my mom at her spa in Old Town Clovis. Then Robbie (who flew in from DC the night before) and Kathryn met up with us for lunch at Dog House Grill across from Fresno State, which has the most amazing Tri-Tip sandwiches ever. Somehow we're going to figure out a way to bring Tri-Tip to the east coast. The rest of the day we spent packing, then we hit up other places we couldn't get in DC - Jamba Juice for smoothies in River Park and Me 'N Ed's for dinner - before saying goodbye to our parents and riding the red-eye back home to DC.

The rest of the month has been relatively uneventful. Brian was in Minnesota for a couple days for work, and Robbie and I went to part of The Call DC last weekend, which was really good. We celebrated Rob's 22nd birthday this week at Clyde's in Chinatown (one of our faves), and Brian is getting ready to head to Denver to do some work before the DNC Convention.

Oh yeah, the Olympics. I'm completely addicted. To the point that I haven't gone to bed before 1 a.m. pretty much since they started. I love the Olympics, and I've gotten much more into them than I have in the past. Especially women's gymnastics (always my fave) and the amazing, super-human Michael Phelps. Diving, beach volleyball, and track and field are up there as well.

Okay enough distraction... back to the Olympics!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thought for the Day

This was, I thought, a very insightful perspective on the Olympics and the country hosting them, courtesy of one of my favorite writers, George Will (in a mostly unrelated piece on the respective responses of the two presidential candidates to the crisis in Georgia). If you watched the opening ceremony, you know what he's talking about:

"For only the third time in 72 years (Berlin 1936, Moscow 1980), the Games are being hosted by a tyrannical regime, the mind of which was displayed in the opening ceremonies featuring thousands of drummers, each face contorted with the same grotesquely frozen grin. It was a tableau of the miniaturization of the individual and the subordination of individuality to the collective. Not since the Nazi's 1934 Nuremberg rally, which Leni Riefenstahl turned into the film "Triumph of the Will," has tyranny been so brazenly tarted up as art.

A worldwide audience of billions swooned over the Beijing ceremony. Who remembers 1934? Or anything."

Friday, August 1, 2008


Well, we here in Congress are officially on a five-week vacation as of 11:23AM this morning, despite the myriad issues that have yet to be resolved, and only having passed one appropriations bill (even though that's the only job expressly dictated to Congress by the Constitution).

So in the spirit of the frustration that accompanies most of the Members heading home today and the staff left behind, here is a great WSJ op-ed to help you try to understand the collective minds of the Democratic "leadership," and reassure you that yes, things really are that bad in Washington right now.

Along those lines, we figured out the real reason we're not stying in town to vote on an energy bill: it would conflict with Ms. Pelosi's much-anticipated book tour (note heavy sarcasm).

Pelosi's Energy Stonewall
Wall Street Journal Editorial
August 1, 2008

Hell -- otherwise known as Congress -- has officially frozen over. For the first time since the 1950s, Members will skip town today for the August recess without either chamber having passed a single appropriations bill. Then again, Democrats appear ready to sacrifice their whole agenda, even spending, rather than allow new domestic energy production.

Or even a mere debate about energy. The Democratic leadership is stonewalling any measure that might possibly relax the Congressional ban on offshore drilling. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid know that they would lose if a vote ever came to the floor, and they're desperate to suppress an insurrection among those Democrats who are pragmatic about one of the top economic issues.
Behind this whatever-it-takes obstructionism is an ideological commitment to high energy prices. The rulers of the Democratic Party want prices to keep rising.

A good gauge of the radicalism of their energy blockade is the lowest common denominator of this energy fight: The effort to blame "speculators" for $4 gas was promoted by both Barack Obama and John McCain, as well as nearly everybody else in Washington. Sure enough, the House voted 276-151 on Wednesday for a bill that would have driven oil futures trading overseas.

But the legislation actually failed to become law -- by design. It needed a two-thirds majority because Speaker Pelosi suspended the rules to prevent Republicans from offering amendments, drilling among them. Ms. Pelosi had decreed that she would not permit a roll-call vote under any circumstances, even if it stopped her own goal of wrecking the U.S. futures market.

Meanwhile, the Senate is locked down over its own antispeculation bill. Majority Leader Reid briefly agreed to allow four amendments on GOP policy alternatives, but he withdrew the offer after he was subjected to the fury of the environmental lobby and Ms. Pelosi. To prevent a vote on offshore drilling this week, Senate Democrats also let fail a bill providing home heating assistance for the poor. Same thing for tax subsidies for wind and solar energy.

Other liberal inspirations, including suing OPEC and a windfall profits tax on the oil industry, also ended up in the Congressional dumpster. And of course Democrats long ago shut down the normal budget process in both the Senate and the House to avoid any vote.

Normally, the spending hiatus would be a useful byproduct of Congressional bickering. But in this case the shutdown is malign neglect. Surging energy prices act like a huge tax increase on the economy, since energy demand is relatively fixed over the short term. The price spike is imposing genuine hardships on middle-income and working-class voters across the country.

The Democratic leadership isn't oblivious to this man-at-the-pump reality. But Al Gore's vision of the apocalyptic tides of climate change perfectly expresses their mentality: Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid see soaring prices as a public good -- the mechanism that will force energy enlightenment on the U.S. If anything, they think the price of gas is too low. As recently as June, the Senate debated a multitrillion-dollar carbon tax-and-regulation scheme that was designed to boost energy costs. A new version will be a priority in the next Administration.

If nothing else, this summer's oil drilling stonewall is giving voters an insight into this ideology, which recoils at any oil, natural gas or coal production -- oh, and nuclear besides. That puts 93% of all U.S. energy off limits for expansion. Back in the real world, and barring a cold fusion or other miracle, the U.S. will remain dependent on fossil fuels for decades. A fresh round of domestic oil-and-gas exploration would ease the long-term pressures that supply and demand are exerting on prices, plus bolster energy security.

And those not bound by anticarbon theology are coming around. Broad margins of the American public -- now even a slim majority of Californians -- favor increasing domestic production. Many Congressional Democrats are working below the radar to craft a compromise that couples drilling with conservation and programs to prop up renewable alternatives.

But the leadership won't bend even a bit, and so Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid have spent the summer using every parliamentary deception to evade debating the issue that the American public cares most about. Short of cutting off the air conditioning on Capitol Hill, Democrats won't get the message until voters make them -- perhaps in November.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Surprise, Surprise

I'm actually really enjoying this summer in DC. It's the first summer I've really felt completely at home here, and not like a wide-eyed tourist pretending to be a local. I actually feel like a local now. I'm even getting used to the humidity. I know, it was a shock to me, too. I didn't really notice it until I realized that I didn't really notice it. Still not a fan of the random thunderstorms at 4pm almost every day, but they're usually over by the time I have to walk home from work, so I deal.

Work has definitely been keeping me busy, but hasn't been nearly as stressful as I expected, even though the run-up to recess is supposed to be the busiest time of the year. That's what happens when Democrats decide it's really not that big of a deal if we don't fund the government this year.

Summer here brings so many fun things to do after work or on the weekends that it's much easier to keep that all-important balance between personal and professional life. I think the best thing about summer is that it helps the people here, who are by and large the biggest bunch of workaholics in the nation, remember that the end-all-be-all of life is not actually work. People barbecue, picnic, and play like they're on summer break, and you don't get a dirty look if you leave the office before 7pm. It's great.

Last Monday, we went to Screen on the Green with a group of friends and had a great time. SOTG is probably at the top of my list of favorite things to do here. Some of my other faves are...

Jazz in the Garden - Every Friday night, the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden hosts a live jazz band, and hundreds of people (and almost no tourists) bring picnics and sit around the fountain relaxing with friends, drinking wine (or my favorite, Sangria) and listening to the music. There is no better way to start the weekend. And, it's free.

Eastern Market - My absolute favorite thing to do on a Saturday morning. The market is actually a bustling street market with locally-grown fruits and vegetables, meat, seafood, flowers, and pastries, not to mention all the booths selling everything from soap and jewelry to furniture and African art. My favorite is the Map Man, who sells maps and landscape prints from just about every country in the world, some of which are hundreds of years old.

Nationals Games - $5 tickets make Nats games one of the cheapest ways to entertain yourself and enjoy a warm summer evening. Plus, the stadium is only a 10 minute walk from our house.

In all honesty, the best thing about most of these diversions is that they are almost wholly unknown and unfrequented by the tourist crowd. Every summer our city is overrun with fanny-pack-wearing, left-side-of-the-escalator-standing tourists from every corner of the globe. People who live here have a love-hate relationship with tourists that tends to gravitate more toward hate when you're trying to get anywhere via Metro. But once the kiddies head back to school, they'll leave. So with that knowledge (and because we're more than willing to take the $5.2 billion they spend here every year), we deal. And spend our evenings and weekends enjoying some of the lesser-known attractions this amazing city has to offer, which is what I intend to do.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fourth of July

Here was the view from our front yard at our awesome Fourth of July party last weekend. I love this city!

Monday, June 9, 2008


I learned the hard way
That they all say
Things you want to hear
And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you and
Your twisted words,
Your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were
Hello to high and dry

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Great Minds

Think alike. Sound familiar?

Fresno voters say no to another baby boomer mayor

By Jim Boren / The Fresno Bee
June 8, 2008

There was a generational change that occurred in Tuesday's mayoral election that didn't get a lot of attention. The next mayor -- Henry T. Perea or Ashley Swearengin -- will be in his or her 30s. Fresno voters rejected several baby boomers in favor of Perea, who will be 31 at the end of the month, and Swearengin, who turned 36 last month.

Both ran strong campaigns that appealed to voters on traditional issues, such as public safety and protecting neighborhoods. But they also talked about air quality, making the city greener and bringing young creative people into the political process.

City Hall will change, no matter who gets elected in November. If I were a bureaucrat working out of the spaceship on P Street, I'd be very nervous to be fingered as someone standing in the way of progress. The old ways of doing things just might get outsourced to young minds working on their home computers.

Perea, a two-term council member, was an early advocate of getting Fresno's creative community and young professionals involved in city issues. That spawned a group that took on issues such as revitalizing downtown and creating a 21st century economy that would be a magnet for bringing bright minds to the city. They pushed plans that would reverse the "brain drain" and getting "boomerangs" to return to Fresno.

Swearengin talked often about creating a knowledge-based economy that's much more entrepreneurial than the ways Fresno has done things in the past. Problem-solving would be focused on getting results rather than using traditional methods that seldom attacked problems head-on. Process is important, she says, but not if it's an excuse not to move forward.

You didn't hear that kind of talk from most of the aging baby boomers on Tuesday's ballot. They got crushed by the 30-somethings because the newbies beat the old-school politicians at their own game, while adding supporters who had never been involved in the system before.

Perea and Swearengin also consider technology their friends. Crucial information is carried on tiny flash drives to plug into computers when it's needed. Baby boomers still thumb through files in manila folders looking for talking points.

What struck me most about Perea and Swearengin winning the top two spots in the mayoral race is they got to the runoff by reaching voters in non-traditional ways. But they also raised all the money they needed the old-fashioned way -- getting supporters to write checks.

They took the best of traditional politicking and married it with technology.

Over the next five months, we will find out how this new generation of leaders will battle for the mayor's job, the most visible local office in the San Joaquin Valley.

There is no doubt that the special interests will have their hands in these campaigns. They already do. The public employee unions and business interests aren't about to let an election pass without making sure their interests are protected.

They adapt to the candidates because there's too much money at stake for them not to be malleable.

The Perea and Swearengin campaigns have brought new people into the mayor's race, just as Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, has brought new voters into presidential politics. All talk about the need for change -- the political buzzword of 2008.

The danger here, of course, is that whoever gets elected mayor in November defaults to Fresno's tired old ways of doing things. You know what I'm talking about: public works problems across the city, a permitting process at City Hall that's been the subject of complaints for three decades, out-of-town landowners on the Fulton Mall being coddled by bureaucrats, high-salaried jobs being given to the mayor's pals, developers and public employee unions having too much influence over policy.

If Perea or Swearengin continue that pattern, then this new generation of leaders will just be a continuation of the past -- the good-enough-for-Fresno crowd.

But if they build on the best of the past, and bring real change to City Hall, Fresno can be something special.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sour Grapes

Tom Boyajian, long time city councilman and mullet/foo man choo combo sporter (who finished 5th in the race for Fresno mayor this week), as quoted in the Fresno Bee:

"Fresno deserves better. We all deserve better. Neither Ashley Swearengin, nor Henry T. Perea has the integrity or the capacity to bring Fresno forward and this is why neither of them will receive my vote in November despite the inevitable outcome."

This wasn't a letter to the editor or a statement from his campaign. It was posted on his MySpace page. Yes, that's right. His MySpace page. And that, Mr. Boyajian, is why you will not now nor ever be mayor of Fresno.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In With the New

Congratulations, Fresno. It looks like the voters there have finally seen fit to usher in a new generation of politicians.

They did so by narrowing the mayor's race down to Henry T. Perea and Ashley Swearengin - two candidates who are anything but status quo - to compete in the November runoff.

And not a moment too soon.

Fresno is at a tipping point, as Ashley Swearengin has so articulately stated.

It's true. The old, tried, and failed Fresno has been running things for far too long. Fresno's greatest weakness lies with its leadership (lack thereof). The city has not had leaders with the critical combination of vision and management ability for decades, and the result is the mess that currently is Fresno. Sprawl, nonexistent city planning, lack of infrastructure, poverty, health disparities, a floundering economy, and a Downtown plagued with more potential than progress.

Regardless of who wins the November election, it is comforting to know that it won't be any of the old guard that have managed to screw things up so royally. Both candidates are smart (read politically savvy), under 40 (he is 30 and she is 35), and not white males - all big strikes against them in the eyes of Old Fresno, which is comprised almost wholly of old, white males. But there will still be a clear choice to make in the fall.

On one hand, you have an inexperienced and very, very liberal city councilman who was only elected in the first place because he shares his popular father's name, and purposely left his differentiating middle initial off the ballot. As far as I know, he has never run anything with a multi-million dollar budget, let alone an entire city. To his credit, he has elevated the Downtown debate and helped energize younger and minority voters, but his personal ethics are questionable at best.

On the other hand, you have an experienced business woman who has not only successfully managed the largest public-private collaborative in the region; she also knows how to handle a budget and bring people together to get things done. The Bee will try to criticize her for not single-handedly improving the Valley's economy, but they would be wrong to do so. The obstacles to progress did not stem from her management, but from the backward policies of Fresno area governments - the very policies she's running to change.

On a side note, I must say, the fact that the Fresno County Republican Party opted not to endorse her in the primary shows just how entrenched in the status quo and irrelevant they have become. Jerry Duncan never had a prayer of winning, and their decision not to support her was a politically stupid move.

If they had thrown their weight and volunteers behind her instead of siphoning off pro-business conservative votes for a candidate that couldn't win, Ms. Swearengin might be mayor right now, and Henry T. wouldn't have a 5-month opportunity to try talk voters into giving him a chance, whether he's qualified or not. Heck, they might have even been able to talk some sense into the Fresno Chamber of Commerce (since when did the Chamber endorse candidates that oppose the interests of their members, anyway?).

Regardless of the outcome, this will be a fascinating race to watch.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Life is Good

Last weekend, Brian and I flew out to California for a badly needed mini-vacation. We stayed in Huntington Beach and spent the day laying on the beach, walking on the pier, and watching the sun set over the Pacific Ocean.

It was a perfect day. Exactly what we needed.

I love the beach. I could absolutely spend every day laying on the beach, completely forgetting that there is a world out there beyond the California coastline.

It doesn't get much better than this...

After our fabulous relaxing and refreshing day, we walked back to our hotel and waited for my mom to arrive with my little sister. She had no idea we were coming to visit and started crying when she saw us, at which point I, of course, started crying. I miss her like crazy, and I hate that I don't get to spend more time with her. She's 12 already and is growing up way too fast.

We all went to Disneyland the next day and had an absolute blast. Disneyland has become a home away from home to us. Brian and I spent most of our dating years going there for weekends and spontaneous date nights when he was living in LA. It really is one of the happiest places on earth to us. The weather was a little chilly, which wasn't helped much by the fact that we (stupidly) decided to ride Splash Mountain at 11AM and proceeded to get soaking wet. But we eventually dried off and had so much fun.

I love California. I've realized I also really miss California. Our favorite ride is Soarin' Over California (also here), and I got a little choked up watching all the breathtaking beauty of my home unfold before me. I miss it. The mountains, the coast, the orchards. As much as I love living in Washington and what I do, California will always be home, and I'm sure we'll end up back there eventually. I think I'm destined to be bi-coastal forever.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Readers: Heads Up

I'm going to be archiving my old MySpace blog on here, just FYI in case you get a slew of new posting emails tonight. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Here We Go Again

Since I'm sure most of you have heard by now (it was the top Google News story all day) that the California Supreme Court is at it again - this time rewriting the definition of marriage against the will of 61% of the electorate - I won't bore you with much on the decision itself (here is an interesting analysis if you're interested). In fact, I won't be discussing the underlying issue at all. Partially because I'm still sorting through my own personal position on gay marriage. Mostly because my real outrage here is not about policy, but process.

I'm not so outraged by the decision itself as by the fact that 4 judges could overturn the will of 4.6 million citizens. As big of a fan as I am of the Constitution, that just really pisses me off. I also find it questionable (at best) that the Court decided to rule on this now, as opposed to, say, right after the law was enacted in 2000 (when, I believe, California's Constitution was the same as it is today).

The irony of all this is, of course, that the gay marriage issue will now be elevated back up to the level of political discourse and become a major campaign issue for the fall election, thus mobilizing a previously apathetic conservative electorate to come out and vote. Gotta love unintended consequences.

Another observation (going back to my being pissed off): I just have to note how blatantly self-contradicting and hypocritical Democrats/liberals tend to be on so many issues. It's really just absurd sometimes. One day they are demanding that we pull troops out of Iraq because "that's what the American people want," then the next day they are perfectly content to throw the democratic process out the window to appease a tiny but vocal minority within their ranks. Beyond being a tragedy, it's intellectually dishonest and amazingly transparent. You can't have it both ways, folks.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

More reading...
Court overturns same-sex marriage ban (San Jose Mercury News)
California Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage (ABC News)
Ruling injects hot new issue into presidential race (San Francisco Chronicle)
CA Supreme Court Imposes Same-sex 'Marriage,' Overturning Prop. 22 (Family Research Council Press Release)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Great Divide

This is an incredibly fascinating look at the evolution of the social divides that exist in America. A definite must-read. Also, Fresno got a shout-out.

Demography is King - New York Times (By David Brooks)

"...Over the years, different theories have emerged to describe the educated/less-educated divide. Conservatives have gravitated toward the culture war narrative, dividing the country between the wholesome masses and the decadent cultural elites. Some liberals believe income inequality drives everything. They wait for an uprising of economic populism. Other liberals divide the country morally, between the enlightened urbanites and the racist rednecks who will never vote for a black man.

"None of these theories really fit the facts. It’s more accurate to say that the country has simply drifted apart into different subcultures. There’s no great hostility between the cultures. Americans have a fuzzy sense of where the boundaries lie. But people in different niches have developed different unconscious maps of reality. They have developed different communal understandings of what constitutes a good leader, of what sort of world they live in. They have developed different communal definitions, which they can’t even articulate, of what they mean by liberty, security and virtue. Demographic groups have begun to function like tribes or cultures...."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Death of the Rags Postponed

Classic. I heart the Onion.

The Onion

Dying Newspaper Trend Buys Nation's Newspapers Three More Weeks

WASHINGTON—A recent glut of feature stories on the death of the American newspaper has temporarily made the outmoded form of media appealing...

Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm now a hockey fan. Brian and I got to go to a Caps game for the first time the week before they made it to the playoffs, and we ended up going to 3 games in a row after that. I had never been to an NHL game before, and it was awesome (not that Falcons games aren't fun, but this was seriously the most fun I have ever had at a pro sports event). They ended up losing to the Philadelphia Flyers (boo) in game 7 of the series in sudden death overtime, but we're officially fans now, and can't wait til next season.


Wealthy West Coasters

Wow, squeaking one in after just under a whole month! Here's an interesting observation from Dan Walters of the Sac Bee about California's voting patterns. So much for Democrats being the party of the poor.

Blue counties are the greenest, as in money

State tax officials are still processing millions of personal income tax returns for 2007, but they’ve released data about California’s widely varying income levels for 2006 and there’s an interesting – and perhaps inverse – correlation with political proclivity.

The widespread assumption is that Republicans are to be mostly found in high-income communities while Democrats tend to be on the lower end of the economic scale. But mixing the Franchise Tax Board’s income data with voter registration and voting results data from the secretary of state’s office produces the opposite result.

California’s bluest counties – as in most likely to vote Democratic – are also the greenest, in financial terms anyway, while Republican-voting counties tend, with some exceptions, to fall in the lower income strata.

The five highest-income counties, based on 2006 tax returns, were found in the very Democratic San Francisco Bay Area, topped by Marin County’s $116,626 median income on joint returns, with Santa Clara ($95,457), San Mateo ($95,394), Contra Costa ($87,478) and Alameda ($83,996) following.

You have to go to sixth-place Placer County ($78,652), seventh-ranked El Dorado County ($78,489) and No. 8 Orange County ($75,537) to find strong Republican voting tendencies.

The lowest-income county, Imperial ($37,582) is Democratic, as well as being heavily Latino, but most of the counties at the lower income levels, such as No. 57 Colusa ($41,008) and 56th-place Modoc ($42,361) are solidly Republican.

For anyone who wants to make his or her own comparisons, the latest income tax data are available here while county-by-county presidential voting numbers may be accessed here and voter registration numbers are here.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March Madness

I thought this was slightly awesome. And yes, I am officially a nerd.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Life Has a Funny Way

Lots been going on for the past few weeks. I won't bore you with all the details, but here's a quick recap...

-- A California court ruled that parents are breaking the law if they teach their children at home without a credential. This one's actually a pretty big deal to me personally, having been home educated K-12 in California (by non-credentialed parents who did a damn good job, thank you very much). Full blog post on this will be forthcoming, but I must say it's been fun to see all the homeschooled kids come out of the woodwork and leverage the positions of influence they now have (after achieving academic and professional success) to fight this ruling. But don't let the word get out that we're not all crazy jumper-wearing homophobic anarchists. NBC writers will get terribly confused.

-- We (CASW) had our last full concert of the year last Sunday. We sang Dvorák's Stabat Mater at the Kennedy Center with the NSO. I found myself incredibly moved, not by the music as much (I didn't think it was our best performance), but by the text. That performance was really my Easter service.

-- I got a promotion. Which means that I've achieved one of the only concrete goals I've had for my life since first being asked the question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" The answer has been "a Legislative Assistant on Capitol Hill" since I was about 15. And not only do I get to check that box, but I get to work on the one policy issue that I have always wanted to -- health care. I'm already exhausted and overwhelmed, but ecstatic at the same time.

-- Appropriations are finally finished. Translated: I don't have to work weekends and 18-hour days anymore (at least for a while).

-- My husband, being the most amazing, generous man ever, and knowing that I was on the brink of collapse after approps, booked an entire spa day for me, which took up about 7 hours of my day today. I have never felt so pampered. Or so loved.

-- I got to go shopping this weekend for some new clothes because my old ones are falling off of me. This one actually is the most exciting of all of the above. It means that after a long, stressful and painful health ordeal and the frustration and weight gain that went along with it, I'm finally starting to get my life -- and my body -- back.

-- Barack Obama's campaign all but imploded last week, demonstrating that racism is alive and well in America... in the black community.

-- I forgot to fill out my bracket before the deadline last Thursday. Even though I couldn't care less about college basketball, and usually pick teams based on mascots (i.e. tigers would kill eagles), I still feel left out.

-- The death toll of the Iraq War, which just marked its fourth anniversary, just reached 4,000. To put that in perspective, 54,000 died in the three-year-long Korean war. About 300,000 died during the second World War.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Technical Difficulties

So much for cutting down on the number of earmarks. This should make for a great Politico/ HOH story tomorrow...

(From the House Appropriations Committee online submission website)

"As a result of the massive influx of requests being submitted today, the Appropriations Committee website is experiencing unavoidable access and processing delays. In order to accommodate Member offices attempting to input data, any request submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 24th will be considered as having been submitted “on time” for purposes of consideration by the Committee."


Update 5:22 PM - Roll Call: Pork Overloads Approps Panel’s Web Site; Earmark Request Deadline Extended (one minute after my post!!)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

House Pictures!

Here, at last, is the visual documentation of the most difficult, stressful, and rewarding project I've ever undertaken. We started the renovation on October 1 - the day after we closed on the house - and the bulk of the work was completed by mid-January. There are still a few more projects left, like replacing the front door with an authentic reproduction, installing stairs from the upstairs kitchen down to the back yard, eventually having the original fireplace in the living room restored (we found it during demolition but had to drywall over it until we can afford to rehab it), and re-pointing the brick facade (way down the road). But we've finally settled into our new (old) home, and we absolutely love it!

I organized the pictures by room so you can see the transformation from how it originally looked to now. I still find it hard to believe the difference. Also, most of my "after" pictures are from December (before we had finished unpacking), so I'll try to put some more recent ones on here soon.

Living room...


Half bath (formerly laundry room on main floor)...

Guest bedroom/bathroom...

Master bedroom...

Master bath...

English Basement...