Saturday, March 18, 2006

So... yeah.

Celebrated St Patty's Day by eating a bowl of Lucky Charms.

Wanted to go out and get "shmoffold" as my bro calls it, but married an "older" man so spent the evening watching Deal or No Deal... how exciting. (I love you honey!)

Got back from 3 weeks in Cali on Tuesday and can't wait to go back... got to go to the Crash Oscar party, saw some famous people... pretty cool. Other than the rediculous traffic and fake people everywhere, I think SoCal is pretty much my favorite place ever [insert Napoleon Dynamite accent here].

Was offered an awesome job in Fresno... we'll probably be moving back as soon as our house sells... glad to go, sad to leave.

Things I miss about California: Tri-tip, In-N-Out, Full-o-Bull sandwiches, Me 'N Eds Pizza, Mexican food, sunsets on the Pacific, driving down PCH, palm trees, people who know how to merge, the central coast, people who pull out hats and gloves when the temp drops below 60, and the fact that I could wear flip-flops every day I was there.

Today... went to Home Depot, planted some flowers in pots, caulked around our shower, talked to my friend Nancy who had a baby yesterday(!).

Currently watching the Patriot in HD while Brian cooks dinner... smells really good... I love marriage.


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