Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Road Trip Week One


So Brian and I are planning to move back to California over the next month or so if all goes according to plan, and phase one of the move is a cross-country road trip! We left DC last Monday and have been driving through America's heartland on our way back to the valley!

Here are some of the highlights from week one...

First stop = Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia (Tuesday)

We stopped off in Roanoke VA (Tuesday night) and Nashville TN (Wednesday night) to sleep and then went on to...

Memphis, Tennessee (Thursday/Friday)
...by far my favorite city east of the Mississippi! (other than DC)

First stop = Graceland!!

Then we ate dinner at Texas de Brazil, which is THE coolest restaurant I have EVER been to. It's an authentic Brazilian steakhouse, with full-on gauchos in gaucho pants serving you as much meat as you can possibly eat, but they bring it to you on these huge SWORDS and slice you off pieces of filet mignon, chicken, lamb, steak, ribs, pretty much anything you can imagine until you can't possibly eat any more. It was amazing!
After dinner we walked around Memphis... Beale Street was awesome (birthplace of the Blues), they close down the street and all the bars and restaurants open up their doors to the street and have great music playing.

Along the banks of the Mississippi River...

Next morning in Memphis... anyone seen "The Firm?" (Tom Cruise rode this monorail to the Mud Island museum when he was on the run)

Driving through the heartland--four states in a day! (Friday)
(Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas)

Random Hallburton guy in McD's...

After spending the night in Wichita, Kansas (Friday), we drove to Denver, Colorado for the weekend and stayed with Brian's brother and sister-in-law!

We had a BLAST! We went to a LaCrosse game (which is my new favorite sport!) at the Pepsi Center, ate great steak, enjoyed the amazing view from their house on the top of a mountain overlooking Denver, and then headed out through the SNOW on Monday morning to head down to Colorado Springs!!

So that brings us to yesterday, and I'll post again as soon as I get a chance to upload the pictures, but Colorado is definitely my new favorite state (after California). I'm totally inspired to take up mountain climbing and/or spelunking!

Tonight we're in Albuquerque, and tomorrow we're headed to a Spa resort in Sedona, Arizona... I'm SO ready for a massage. Then it's on to the Grand Canyon, Vegas and then... FRESNO!! Wow, that is SO anti-climactic. Oh well, be there on Friday!

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