Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To-Do List

I thoroughly enjoy lists. They keep me sane.

Goals for the rest of the Summer...

1) Finish watching seasons 3, 4 and 5 of 24 (a.k.a. the best show ever) to get caught up for the new season.

I admit, I am totally obsessed. It's one of those things that really makes life worth living... in a non-blasphemous sort of way. Jack Bauer pretty much rocks my world.

2) Furnish/decorate our apartment.

If you read my blogs, you know that we had to sell all our furniture back east with our house, and I am SO tired of sleeping on a mattress on the floor and sitting on broken chairs salvaged from my parents' garage. Plus, once we have furniture we can finally have more than 2 people over at a time, AND we could even throw a housewarming party! I know, I know, exciting, right? It's the things in life... Z Gallerie here I come!!

...Mostly, I'd like to just get through this summer without melting or having a nervous breakdown. It'd also be nice to start losing the 60 lbs. that this stupid medicine has made me gain. That would be so nice. I could definitely do without the extra insulation right about now. I'd also love to go to Disneyland before the 50th is over, maybe visit my grandma in Oregon, go to the beach, go camping, learn to cook (after 2 years of marriage it's probably about time), start learning French, read more of the books on my bookshelf, go out dancing more often, organize my closet, get a haircut, go jet skiing...


3) Make a new list.

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