Monday, May 7, 2007

It's official!

We're moving back to DC! It's been in the works for a while, but we've actually set a date (May 24th), put in our 30-day notice at our current place, and leased an apartment in Ballston that will be ready for us on June 1st.

I'm so happy. And really sad.

You'd think this would get easier, since we seem to move at least twice a year. But it doesn't. Moving back (like moving here was) is bittersweet. I left my heart there when we came back to California, and part of my heart will always be here. I think I'm destined to be bi-coastal forever.

Brian and I spent the weekend doing a full inventory of all the crap we've accumulated over the years. There's a lot of crap. And a lot of non-crap. It's the latter that I'm dreading having to pack.

I really am excited, though. I will miss so many things about California, but as time has gone on I've come to value different things, and I've realized how important some things are that I never even paid attention to before. Like a healthy professional culture, a broader perspective on the world, job opportunities, and grad schools that are actually ranked (and have names that people recognize).

Most of the things I will miss, though, aren't things at all. They're people. Especially my family, I will miss them so much. I will miss the impromptu therapy sessions with mom, the fun afternoons hanging out with my little sis (who gets less little every day), and dad's bar-b-que on the weekends.

I will miss all the amazing people I have connected and reconnected with this past year, some of whom I have known for years, others I have only met recently and wish I had more time with, but all of whom I know will stay in my heart and life for many years to come. Thankfully, the world keeps getting smaller and smaller, and through the ever-improving wonders of technology, most of those who mean the most to me are just a mouse click or phone call (or plane ride) away.

So that's the plan. We're moving. In 2 1/2 weeks. Brian graduates with his Master's on Friday, and we'll be spending the next 2 1/2 weeks packing and spending time with loved ones. Then it will be on the road again for Brian, Robbie and me.

The countdown begins...

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