Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Belated Birthday Update

I almost forgot that last week was my birthday. I officially hit the quarter-century mark. And there was much rejoicing.

It was actually a great day, even though it fell on a Wednesday while we were in session, and even though my mom decided to leave me a message in which she informed me that she was 25 when she had me and wasn't that so crazy! Geez, Mom. (I love you!)

Brian sent me a dozen beautiful red roses and got me a new pink Razr to replace my old and long past its prime clunker of a phone, and my boss and coworkers even surprised me in the late afternoon with a mini surprise party complete with pink cupcakes! It was really nice and I was totally not expecting it, which made it that much better.

Then after work I went with Brian and some good friends to La Tasca in Clarendon - one of my all-time favorite restaurants. I think we finished off 3 or 4 pitchers of sangria rosada and about 30 tapas plates before the night was over.

Friday night was fun, too. I met a fellow Clovis native a couple weeks ago who works here for Congressman Radanovich and lives on the hill, and went to see 27 Dresses with her and a few of her friends, then met up with another friend for a much needed drink afterward. The movie was hilarious - I was cracking up through the entire thing. Plus, the guy who plays opposite Katherine Heigl (Izzy on Grey's Anatomy) is super cute. Like really, really cute. For anyone who's wondering what my type is, James Marsden is it (close behind are Rodrigo Santoro and Eric Bana). And, he sings, which increases the hotness exponentially.

The rest of the weekend was relatively uneventful. We went out with some of Brian's friends from work on Saturday night and spent most of the rest of the weekend filing our taxes and organizing the house. (Yeah, I know. We're crazy like that.) Oh, and Brian's going up to New York tomorrow for some meetings, so to make up for leaving me all alone on Valentines Day I'm taking the train up to meet him on Friday night so we can spend the weekend in the city! I'm so excited! I haven't been to New York since... 2003? Wow, has it really been that long? Crazy. I'm hoping we can see a show while we're there (fingers crossed for same-day Wicked tickets!), but even if all we do is eat street hot dogs and walk around and enjoy the city, I'll be ecstatic.

Well, I think that's all the latest with me. Time sure is flying already this year. Happy Valentines Day in 2 minutes!

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