Sunday, May 6, 2007

The End of an Era

I lived on Capitol Hill for just 4 months almost 3 years ago, but my heart has remained long after I left. Some of my fondest memories of my first days living in my favorite city are there, and to this day one of my favorite places in DC is Eastern Market. So many defining moments in my life were spent in the coffee shops and flea markets there, talking over big ideas with great friends. I still hope to find a place to live in that neighborhood someday.

You can imagine my heartbreak, then, when I learned that the market's South Hall burned down early Monday morning. It hit me in the pit of my stomach. I feel like an old friend has died, and even though I know that it will be rebuilt, I know it can never hope to have the same charm as the 134-year-old building bustling with activity every Saturday morning. I wish I could be there right now.

Eastern Market South Hall exterior
Some of the neighborhood rowhouses
South Hall interior
The Market Lunch breakfast - best pancakes you'll ever have
Street musicians
Outdoor market - art, antiques, etc.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I just about cried when I read this too. DC won't be the same w/o Eastern Market. So sad :(