Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August Update

I know it's been a while since I've posted, and I'm sure all 3 of you who read this have been waiting with bated breath for the next one to appear, so here it is. :)

We've spent the past few weeks traveling, celebrating birthdays, settling into our new jobs, and cautiously testing the waters of the DC housing market. We went back to California for a week and spent one last wonderful and romantic day at Disneyland and California Adventure before our season passes expire in September. We also got to spend time with our families and some close friends to celebrate Robbie and Brian's respective birthdays. It was a great time. I still miss California and probably always will, but mostly for the people. I missed DC a lot while we were there, and I'm really glad to be home.

Seven hours after we landed back in DC (literally), I left to travel to my boss' district in Virginia. It was a really fascinating trip through a beautiful part of the country.

After one meeting we had with one of the cities, during which we learned how they had successfully revitalized their downtown, restored their historic buildings and brought in tons of new business, I wanted to go back to all the incompetent Fresno politicians and tell them to get their act together and just get it done. No rivers. No stupid trolleys. No more random art galleries. Just common sense economic incentives for housing and business, centralized planning and focused development on a concentrated geographic area. It's obviously possible if you have the right people with the right vision, and the results benefit the entire region. But I digress.

Speaking of housing, we may be buying a house soon! But I'll update with more details if and when everything falls into place for that.

I re-auditioned for my choir on Monday, and had so much fun singing again. I miss it so much when I'm not performing, and I love Norman. He was so encouraging to me. After I nailed the sight reading he even went into voice lesson mode and gave me some pointers, but overall he was very complementary. I'll find out in the next week or two if they have a spot for me.

My little sis is coming into town this weekend to visit us!! I'm so excited and can't wait to see her. She's about 11 going on 17, and I so love watching her grown up. I also hate it, but I know that it's inevitable. Sometimes I wish there really was a Neverland so we could have just stayed 7 and 20 forever playing all the time with no worries at all.

So that's the latest. Just working through the daily grind, catching my breath every time I walk out of my office building and see the Capitol, and saying a prayer of thanks that all things work together for good.

More to come soon... :)

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