Friday, August 3, 2007

While You Were Sleeping

Anyone who doesn't watch CSPAN should start - you don't know what you're missing.

Last night just before 11pm, the House went crazy. And I do mean c-razy. Republicans were shouting and eventually stormed out en masse to protest the Democrats' procedural "oops" regarding a vote on a motion to recommit. The motion would have changed the Agriculture Appropriations Bill to prohibit illegal immigrants from receiving government services, then send it back to the House for passage. I know all that sounds really boring, but it was insane.

I'm a total nerd when it comes to parliamentary procedure, and I realize that whoever is in the majority gets to run the show, but what happened last night was just plain wrong. Just because you don't like how a vote turns out doesn't mean you can change the vote, and then erase any record of what happened.

The only article on what happened so far anywhere in the media
Update: AP story (SF Chronicle)
Update: A Pattern of Behavior?

The video

Blunt's response this morning...

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