Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Dems: Bad News = We're Winning?

It actually pained me to read this.

Let me preface my comments by saying this: I have many, many wonderful friends that fall on every point along the political spectrum (and no point at all), and I love them all dearly. They have helped me define my own viewpoints through many deep and insightful conversations over the years, and for that I am deeply indebted to each of them.

I am a firm believer that differences in political beliefs are merely a question of where you place your priorities (i.e. freedom vs. security, free markets vs. social justice, etc.), and that most people genuinely want to make the world a better place for themselves and their children. Surprisingly, working in Washington has only confirmed these observations for me.

Having said all that... I have never espoused very strong views on the Iraq war, other than to say that I believe it is important to defend America from our enemies, and if fighting Al-Queda in Iraq is necessary to do that, then I support our President's decision. There are a lot of very intelligent people with more information than I have making that call.

My greatest frustration when it comes to politics is when politics takes precedent over good policy, which, unfortunately is the case far too often. Sadly, I think this has been especially true when it comes to Iraq, and to me, that is one of the greatest tragedies of our generation.

Going back to the issues raised in that article... if I were a Democrat, I would be enraged that my party's leadership would so blatantly admit that for them, the politics of winning elections in 2008 are more important than our nation winning a war against terrorists, and that winning in Iraq would be "a big problem for us." (That one's courtesy of Rep. James Clyburn, the House Majority Whip.)

Regardless of your political leanings or beliefs about any war, the success of your country and safety of your fellow citizens should always be priority number one.

Unfortunately, comments like that aren't just transparent, they are reckless and dangerous when coming from one of the most powerful political figures in America.

Let's hope that his disturbing remarks are the exception and not the rule for Democrats.

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